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        Pay It Forward, Positivi-Tea

We are introducing a "Pay It Forward" program at Rx Tea Time. It has been a difficult time for many people and we would like to help those in need with some "Positivi-Tea". Here is how it works:

Customers can pay for any tea setting including our To-Go, it will then be added to our pay it forward board that will be posted on Facebook and at the tea room, then someone who needs some Positivi-tea can claim it by calling us (we still need a reservation or pick up time for To-Go). After it is claimed it will be posted, everything is anonymous.

Tea Certificate (1).jpg

Wanda and Jim Frank


Rx Tea Time, LLC
1605 Pebrican Ave
Cheyenne, Wy 82001

© 2014 by Rx Tea Time, LLC.

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